High school students who are seniors during the 2024-2025 school year, and are the son or daughter of a Spoon River Electric Member are eligible to apply for a $1,000 Scholastic Scholarship, a $1,000 Honorary Scholarship, and the $1,000 Scott Parrish Memorial Scholarship, which will be awarded at this year’s Annual Meeting. Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and return it to the Cooperative to participate. Applications must be turned in by May 2025 to be considered. Please see official rules and descriptions of scholarships below.
- Applying students and their parent/legal guardian must be present at the Annual Meeting to win.
- Students must be a son or daughter of a Spoon River Electric Cooperative Member.
- Students must be a high school senior during the 2024/2025 school year and begin college undergraduate studies in the 2025/2026 school year.
- Students must plan on attending a two-year or four-year accredited college or university, including vocational/technical schools.
- Scholarship winners must be full-time students (at least 12 hours) during the 2025/2026 academic year.
- Scholarships are for one year and are non-renewable.
- Past Spoon River Electric Cooperative scholarship winners are not eligible to receive another one.

- The Scholastic and Scott Parrish Memorial Scholarships will be awarded based on an application detailing GPA, college entrance test scores, work and volunteer experience, participation in school and community activities, and a biographical statement.
- Semi-finalists will be notified by phone with a time and place for a personal interview.
- Those not chosen as semi-finalists for the Scholastic and Parrish Scholarships will be automatically placed in the Honorary Scholarship drawing.
- Thee Honorary Scholarship will be awarded by a drawing as students are recognized at the Annual Meeting.
- All applicants are eligible for the Honorary Scholarship drawing except the Scholastic and Parrish Scholarship winners.
- Applications must be turned in to Taryn Mellert at Spoon River Electric Cooperative by May 2025.
- All applicants must be present at the Spoon River Electric Annual Meeting of Members in order to receive a scholarship.
- Late applications will not be considered.
- For more information on the scholarships, contact Taryn Mellert at (309) 647-2700.
- Scholarship Form