The Spoon River Electric Cooperative Operation Round-Up (ORU) Committee recently awarded $9,500 to seven local organizations through its Operation Round-Up Program. The organizations that received funding include VIT High School Technology Department – $1,500 towards upgrading their facilities to include a technology lab and classroom; Cuba FFA Chapter – $1,400 to help fund the conference trip to the Illinois FFA Convention so 20+ agriculture students; Knoxville FFA/Ag Department – $1,100 for electrical wiring kits, snap circuit kits, and other electrical equipment; Cuba Fire Protection District – $1,250 for back up cameras for the fire trucks; Ingersoll Scout Reservation – $1,500 towards a water softener system for the dining hall; Fulton County Fair & Racing Association – $1,250 towards updating the fairgrounds; and Astoria Fire Depart – $1,500 for new turn out gear.
“The students will benefit greatly because of the opportunity Spoon River Electric Operation Round-up Program has given us!” said Knoxville Ag Teacher Mallory Tolley.
These donations are made possible by the generous members of Spoon River Electric who voluntarily make the decision each month to “Round-Up” their electric bill to the next dollar and donating this “extra change” directly to the Operation Round-Up Program. All of the funds collected are donated back into our communities as charitable grants. The average donation a member makes annually is about $6 per month.
For more information about the Operation Round-Up Program visit our website: under the Operation Round-Up tab.